The Hidden Secret of Long Life.


Everyone should know this hidden evolution truth

Why do so many get early back problems?

Why are we all walking upright now?

Seven million years after we came down from the trees and started walking upright?

Recent studies have also suggested that, rather than taking millions of years to evolve from a hunched position as is commonly believed, our early ancestors were already capable of standing and walking upright the moment they descended from the trees. (Live Science)


So have we all been walking upright prematurely?

To save energy.

Not so much as an evolutionary advance at all.

Is this the only reason, then, we are not all falling over in the street and returning to the trees?

Just so we can save energy?

But now we have supermarkets to save us energy.

So are we walking, and running, and jumping, ahead of time?

Seven million years ahead?

What to do now?

After assuming that walking doesn’t come easy because, in spite of having excellent leg strength, I keep falling over, what’s happening?

Why can’t I walk?

Why must I focus on the placement of every step, one at a time, when I see others walking with ease without falling over?

I’m wondering whether it has anything to do with the evolution of humans coming out of the trees and walking upright?

Seems like, in evolutionary terms, it was instant.


Survival it seems.

To save energy.

Not any physical modification of the human/ape body to meet an evolutionary advance?

So are we stuck with a creature who has made a very physical move before its time?.

Is our body still meant to swing from the trees?

Have we beat the gun and advanced, in evolution terms, before we’re ready?

Is that why our bodies are so screwed?

So many of us with back and spinal problems?

And what physical modification has occurred in those intervening 7 million years since we came down out of the trees?

The placement of the scull on the top of the spine to cope with the upright stature.

Otherwise, I can’t find any.

So my immediate thoughts are . . .

Is my sense of walking on a tightrope like walking on a branch?

Does it explain my lack of balance when I standing (even with support)?

And strength while walking?

One foot at a time?

I need to know more.

A spinal stenosis is not like walking or standing.

I need to know, how do we deal with that?

This surely is not the degeration of the legs.

But the mischief of the spine.


Believe it or not, the human spine wasn’t built for vertical use. Vertebrates have been around for 500 million years, but primates that walk upright — aka the hominin clade, of which we Homo sapiens are the only extant species — took the first steps 6 million years ago.


PS Get my sensational new book: The Great Regency Cover-Up.

The Great Mystical Back Truth.

So often your back will be the first indication of premature ageing.


Certainly mine,

So you have back problems?

Chances are, maybe it’s your invisible chakras.



It’s true for me.

A Lumbar Canal Stenosis.

My two invisible lower Chakras coincide with my physical spine.


A coincidence?

Is this a wake-up call to know more about the invisible relation with the physical body?

To understand the unknown effects of evolution on our back illnesses?

And more?

We need to deal with how evolution has screwed with us and what we need o know that we haven’t been told about.

Why we have back problems.

It’s evolution.


It’s hidden knowledge.


When we first came down from the trees we started walking upright.

It saved energy.

Everything was suddenly easier.

Huge energy saver.

But our bodies didn’t adapt soon enough to deal with this massive change.

Here’s the crunch.

They still haven’t.

Why are we all walking upright now?

Seven million years after we came down from the trees and started walking upright?

Recent studies have also suggested that, rather than taking millions of years to evolve from a hunched position as is commonly believed, our early ancestors were already capable of standing and walking upright the moment they descended from the trees.” (Live Science)


So have we all been walking upright prematurely?

To save energy.

Not so much as an evolutionary advance at all.

Is this the only reason, then, we are not all falling over in the street and returning to the trees?

Just so we can save energy?

But now we have supermarkets to save us energy.

So are we walking, and running, and jumping, ahead of time?

Seven million years ahead?

I know.

I have a spinal stenosis.

Messages don’t get through from my brain to my legs telling them how to walk.

After assuming that walking doesn’t come easy because, in spite of having excellent leg strength, I keep falling over, what’s happening?

Why can’t I walk?

Why must I focus on the placement of every step, one at a time, when I see others walking with ease without falling over?

I’m wondering whether it has anything to do with the evolution of humans coming out of the trees and walking upright?

Seems like, in evolutionary terms, it was instant.


Survival it seems.

To save energy.

Not any physical modification of the human/ape body to meet an evolutionary advance?

So are we stuck with a creature who has made a very physical move before its time?.

Is our body still meant to swing from the trees?

Have we beat the gun and advanced, in evolution terms, before we’re ready?

Is that why our bodies are so screwed?

So many of us with back and spinal problems?

And what physical modification has occurred in those intervening 7 million years since we came down out of the trees?

The placement of the scull on the top of the spine to cope with the upright stature.

Otherwise, I can’t find anything major.

So my immediate thoughts are

Is ageing caused by evolution?

Our lack of understanding of the chakras?

More about the chakras to come.

It’s important hidden knowledge we all should know.

Love and peace.

Neil the Smith .

PS. Buy my new companion book The Great Regency Cover-Up

How Evolution Has Screwed With Your Body.

Why do you have back trouble?

Evolution had not been kind with human’s physical bodies.

Do you have back problems?

Chances are, it’s evolution.

We need to deal with how evolution has screwed with us early.

It’s the other half of why we age.

One is entropy.

The other is evolution.

Read my previous post here.


When we first came down from the trees we started walking upright.

It saved energy.

Everything was suddenly easier.

Huge energy saver.

But our bodies didn’t adapt soon enough to deal with this massive change.

Here’s the crunch.

They still haven’t.

Why are we all walking upright now?

Seven million years after we came down from the trees and started walking upright?

Recent studies have also suggested that, rather than taking millions of years to evolve from a hunched position as is commonly believed, our early ancestors were already capable of standing and walking upright the moment they descended from the trees.” (Live Science)


So have we all been walking upright prematurely?

To save energy.

Not so much as an evolutionary advance at all.

Is this the only reason, then, we are not all falling over in the street and returning to the trees?

Just so we can save energy?

But now we have supermarkets to save us energy.

So are we walking, and running, and jumping, ahead of time?

Seven million years ahead?

What to do now?

After assuming that walking doesn’t come easy because, in spite of having excellent leg strength, I keep falling over, what’s happening?

Why can’t I walk?

Why must I focus on the placement of every step, one at a time, when I see others walking with ease without falling over?

I’m wondering whether it has anything to do with the evolution of humans coming out of the trees and walking upright?

Seems like, in evolutionary terms, it was instant.


Survival it seems.

To save energy.

Not any physical modification of the human/ape body to meet an evolutionary advance?

So are we stuck with a creature who has made a very physical move before its time?.

Is our body still meant to swing from the trees?

Have we beat the gun and advanced, in evolution terms, before we’re ready?

Is that why our bodies are so screwed?

So many of us with back and spinal problems?

And what physical modification has occurred in those intervening 7 million years since we came down out of the trees?

The placement of the scull on the top of the spine to cope with the upright stature.

Otherwise, I can’t find anything major.

So my immediate thoughts are

Is ageing caused by evolution?

Evolution and entropy?

Love and peace.

Neil the Smith .

PS. My new book ‘Romancing Your Life. Changing The World.’


Peace + Healthy Meals = Age Care Bliss.

Is that too much to ask?


And a healthy diet.

Age care people need health you know.

As well as painkillers.

Or instead of.

Because, I believe, health and mindfulness can be better than cure.

It’s the way to deal with entropy.

So I’m asking, can a Jamie Oliver do for Age Care what he did for schools?

Yes, we need more carers.

We also need more natural health.

Don’t we?

Less cooked meals and more fresh super foods.

And isn’t peace more beneficial than noise?

More meditative sounds and less blast to the ears?

More thinking space between the ears.

As The Thinker suggests to us (above)?

Why can’t every day in the Age Care Home be a silent meditation?

Without calling it that.

So I’m asking:

Meditation + Super Foods.


Of course,

Let’s do it.

Love and peace

Neil the Smith

PS. Buy my new autobiographical book about changing your life ethically at any age HERE.

You Can’t Stop Ageing If You Don’t Know This #1 Anti-Ageing Secret.

Have you ever heard of “entropy”?

Most people probably haven’t.

Yet you should know and understand the effect of entropy on the ageing process.

More important.

You need to know how you can stop – or delay – the effect of entopy on your mind and body.

Ageing is too important not to understand this.

At any age.

What is entropy?

It’s Newton’s Second Law of Thermodynamics.

That everything rises and falls.

Into chaos.



Ashes to ashes.

The Roman Empire rose and fell.

Pop groups come and go.

Ghost towns once were thriving communities.

Abandoned, weeds grow and buildings fall apart.

Same with our physical bodies.

We need to take care of them so they don’t fall into entropy for as long as possible.

Don’t become like an abandoned building.

Same with our minds.

You need to keep your mind active for as long as possible.

That’s my number one secret of delaying your age.


One key is to feed your mind with positive creative thoughts.

Leading to positive creative activity.

Even after your body has given up.

Here’s a link to help you with your most creative, positive thoughts.

To stimulate ideas of your mind to keep entropy at bay.

Remember, entropy is your number one enemy of ageing.

At any age.

Don’t accept your true age as a number, a statistic of when you were born.

Your real age is the time you can keep entropy away.

Away from both your body and your mind.

To a happy, long life.

Love and peace.

Neil the Smith.

Your Ageless Mind is Your Guardian Angel.

A fragment of your ageless soul resides in your mind.

It’s the connection between your body and your eternal soul.

Listen to it.

Your mind knows all.

It’s that still small voice in your head.

Because your mind is the link between you and your soul.

Your mind is your soul guiding you.

Not your physical brain.

Your mind.

It can’t be measured, weighed, seen, evaluated or removed.

It’s what leaves us at the time our physical body gives up the ghost and ceases to be a living creature.

It’s our mind that our body “gives up”.

It’s the secret of eternal life.

Of reincarnation.

Of eternal youth.

So listen to your mind.

Follow its guidance.

It’s your guardian.

Don’t believe me?

Start listening and testing its advice and you’ll become hooked.

You don’t need to change anything or do anything or spend anything.

Just be still and listen.

Love and peace.


Neil the Smith
My Author Page

PS. Over a thousand years ago, in medieval Britain, the Smiths were the craftsman, the metal smiths, the blacksmiths, who created the basis of society. Today I’m the creator Smith who, as a wordsmith, creates the society (again). But with words, not the sword.

Align Your Life With Creation.

Align your life with Creation.

It’s the secret of age..

Of survival.

Of long life.

Of natural health.

It’s the secret of you.

To align yourself with Creation.

And it costs nothing.

It’s the secret of living how you were meant to live.

With no big issues.

If you encounter any then you face and overcome them.

It’s the challenge of life.

The adventure.

And it’s why were here.

The meaning of Life.


Don’t refuse the adventure.

It’s the Go of the Game.

Start the game and start winning.

You can be the Hero of your own adventure.

Not famous.

Not an influencer.

Only you will know.

Only you can win the game.

But you’ve got to be in the game.

Align yourself with the game now.

Get started and start winning.

But you have to be in the game to win.

Your game is called the Game of Creation.

Start at Go now.

Think about what I’ve said.

Be in it.

Love and peace.


Neil the Smith
My Author Page

PS. Over a thousand years ago, in medieval Britain, the Smiths were the craftsman, the metal smiths, the blacksmiths, who created the basis of society. Today I’m the creator Smith who, as a wordsmith, creates the society (again). But with words, not the sword.

Beware the 2 Enemies of Ageing.

One is evolution.

The other is entropy.

“Those suffering from slipped discs,” says the London Telegraph, “may have vertebrae more like chimpanzees than of humans, say scientists, who suggest the rapid pace of evolution has left some of us vulnerable.”

Have our bodies been designed to swing from the trees rather than to walk upright.

Is evolution to a walking ape too rapid in evolutionary terms?

Then there’s ‘Entropy’.

It’s the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, why bands like the Beatles eventually break up, why everything physical ends up falling apart.

Like we human beings.

All things must pass.

Why there are ghost towns left behind after no-one is left living there.

It’s the Second Law of Therermodynamics.

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system (the thermal energy per unit temperature that is unavailable for doing useful work) can never decrease.

Everything ultimately falls into chaos.

Like our bodies.

It’s a Law of Physics.

We all must rise and fall.

Both are constants which interfere with your body’s tendency to age.

As two known factors we can then take steps to deal with them.

Not remove them.

Or try to fix them.

Just deal with them.

I’ve done it.

With a spinal outcome from our evolution from swinging from the trees.

I’ve learned to deal with it, work around it, rather than try to ‘fix it’.

Which, as a suspected consequence of evolution, is unfixable.

And I’ve successfully delayed the entropy of my body for at least 20 years.

I believe.

That’s my claim.

I’ll tell you more in my following blog posts.

I hope my future blog posts will help you.


Follow me at

Neil the Smith
My Author Page

Why Aren’t Our Wise Elders the True Influencers?

We seem to have lost respect for our Wise Elders.

Where are they?

Because maybe they’ve “been there, done that” in their long eventful lives.

Some of them.

The influencers today all seem to be young people on social media.

Such a shame.

As George Bernard Shaw put it, “Youth is wasted on the young.”

The trouble is, do we respect the older men and women?

Do we encourage wisdom rather than putting them out to pasture.

It’s called Retirement.

Why can’t we respect age?

Why don’t we encourage wisdom among our elders?

Because what we think and what we believe creates our reality.

It’s about the symbolism of ageing.

Instead of using symbols like ‘old’, ‘retirement’, ‘aged care’, we should be using words like ‘elder’ and wisdom’.

Because I’m one of them.

A friend here even calls me ‘Obi-wan‘.

Love her.

Love and peace


Neil the Smith
My Author Page

PS. To read my aged wisdom buy my autobiographical book ‘The Great Regency Cover-Up’ here.

New Blog About Staying Young.

Are you interested in being young forever?

I’m talking Mind/Body/Spirit.





You were born to stay young.

We all were.

I know, your body will disagree.

But my blog is not about your body.

Because your body is not you.

Change your inner self.

Your body will follow.

So let’s talk about you.

Not your body.

Have you noticed how most people really do act their age.

As if they feel they need to.

But why?

I don’t accept that.

You are not the number of years since you were born.

It’s a statistic.

Even in the media, have you noticed how, after they quote a name, they go, comma, age, comma, and continue with their story.

Your age comes, with your name, first.

Wait a minute.

They seem to be saying that we’re forever linked to our age.

Only a statistic.

Let’s reject that thinking and decide that we’re as old as we choose to be.

And you can’t quantify that,

Refuse to be a statistic.

Start today being and acting, not even your age, but who you really are.





Stop thinking age.

Start thinking young.

Which is no age.

I’ll have lots more to say in blog posts to come.

Follow me at

Neil the Smith
My Author Page

PS. Illustration here is by John William Godward (9 August 1861 – 13 December 1922) who was an English painter.

I Want to Keep You Young.

“Act your age,” my mother would tell me as a boy.

Today I will tell you, don’t bother.

This is the first post in my new blog called ‘

I started this blog to encourage you to be young.

Not with artificial means.

Not with surgery.

Not with pills or creams.

They’re artificial.

They’re not always your first and only option.

I’m talking Mind/Body/Spirit.





You were born to stay young.

We all were.

I know, your body will disagree.

But my blog is not about your body.

Because your body is not you.

Change your inner self.

Your body will follow.

So let’s talk about you.

Not your body.

Have you noticed how most people really do act their age.

As if they feel they need to.

But why?

I don’t accept that.

You are not the number of years since you were born.

It’s a statistic.

Even in the media, have you noticed how, after they quote a name, they go, comma, age, comma, and continue with their story.

Your age comes, with your name, first.

Wait a minute.

They seem to be saying that we’re forever linked to our age.

Only a statistic.

Let’s reject that thinking and decide that we’re as old as we choose to be.

And you can’t quantify that,

Refuse to be a statistic.

Start today being and acting, not even your age, but who you really are.





Stop thinking age.

Start thinking young.

Which is no age.

I hope my future blog posts will help you.

Neil the Smith
My Author Page

PS. Illustration here is by John William Godward (9 August 1861 – 13 December 1922) who was an English painter.